Though colloquially referred to as “magic,” the extrasensory abilities expressed in human Mortals on Kepler are, in fact, rare, scientifically explainable traits caused by genetic mutation. Similar mutations are responsible for cases of enhanced vision and auditory capabilities, increased receptiveness to smell and taste, and certain skin sensitivities common to Keplerians. It is estimated that over half of all human Mortals on Kepler have one or more genetic mutation, though only a small percentage of those mutations are responsible for “magic” as it is now known.

Scientists currently theorize that some of these mutations are caused by radiation from the Kepler sun, which penetrates the Kepler ozone at a slightly higher rate than the last known rates of radiation on Earth. Scientists have also theorized that certain chemicals in the Kepler soil composition may influence gene expression in humans. While there are many other plausible theories, most of which are expertly discussed in later chapters of this book, some people do attribute Keplerian “magic” to divine origin. Most notably, the Royal Church of South Kepler refuses to acknowledge any scientific explanation for Keplerian extrasensory abilities. Children in South Kepler are taught that Keplerian “magic” is mystical, God-granted power.

The authors of this book neither deny nor accept the role of a divine creator in evolution on Kepler, but their excellent research and detailed explanation of the hereditary nature of Keplerian magic sheds new light on this development in human evolution. I caution against the practice of removing these theories of genetic mutation from textbooks and school lessons. Such a dangerous practice may well prevent bright minds from the opportunity to contribute scientific advances to humanity.

~Foreword by Dr. Oliver McRaffy, New Paris Medical School

(The Evolution of Keplerian Extrasensory Abilities is a fictional book published in Vasher, Sandra. Sisters of the Perilous Heart, Mortal Heritance Book One. Mortal Ink Press, 2020.)