Glossary of Terms
Aerodynamics : one of four known extrasensory abilities (“magic”) that evolved in humans on Kepler; people with aerodynamic abilities could direct air flow, even to the extent that some extremely powerful aerodynamic magician could fall from great distances without sustaining any injury. The aerodynamic tendency died out with the Cardinal families of the East and West.
After Arrival of Humans (“AAH”) : the time era from the arrival of humans on Kepler to present-day Kepler; years are measured in Kepler years, which are somewhat longer than Earth years.
Alighieri : the capital city of South Kepler.
Cardinal Families : the four most powerful magical families that ever existed on Kepler.
The Cardinal Split : The event that took place in the year 276 AAH, when Kepler officially divided into four nations: The Western Republic, The Eastern Confederation, the Northern Kingdom, and the Southern Kingdom.
Eastern Confederation of Kepler : one of four Mortal nations on mainland Kepler; the Eastern Confederation dissolved when the Cardinal Family of the East renounced its leadership claim to the Eastern Confederation and conceded control to the Confederation’s several clan leaders.
First Degree Cardinal : a member of a Cardinal family in the direct line of succession (descended from the king, queen, or other equivalent ruler). First Degree Cardinals always have three extrasensory abilities: telekinesis, telesthesia, and either thermodynamics or aerodynamics.
Gandhi : the only surviving original Mortal city of three cities where Mortal humans first settled Kepler. Gandhi served as a place of central leadership for Mortals until the Cardinal Split.
Immortal Empire : located primarily on a large island off the West coast of mainland Kepler, the Immortal Empire is Kepler’s only Immortal nation. It is currently ruled by Empress Hildebrand with Lord Godric serving as an unofficial second in command.
Immortality Virus : a highly engineered hybrid virus combining elements of human immunodeficiency virus with influenza. Though the virus may be fatal, especially for humans with magic, which is not typically compatible with the virus, survivors have such an altered physiology that they are effectively immortal. There are several strains of the Immortality Virus, including a second strain that was developed on Earth to counter some of the more negative effects of surviving the Immortality Virus.
Kepler Declaration of Mortal Commitments : A set of moral standards that all Mortals on Kepler agree to live by for the purpose of creating a more perfect world. The Kepler Declaration of Mortal Commitments was penned and signed in Gandhi.
Northern Kingdom of Kepler (“North Kepler”) : one of four Mortal nations on mainland Kepler; currently under rule by South Kepler.
Novi Dupree Brewery : the most famous brewery in the galaxy, Novi Dupree Brewery is owned and operated by the immortally infamous Sisters of Novi Dupree.
Royal Church of South Kepler (the “Royal Church”) : the official religion/church of the Southern Kingdom of Kepler.
Second Degree Cardinal : a member of a Cardinal Family who is not in the direct line of succession but is still close enough to have two extrasensory abilities, such as telekinesis and thermodynamics or telesthesia and aerodynamics.
Sisters of Novi Dupree : a sorority of women who live together at the Sanctuary of Novi Dupree in the Red Ridge Mountains and are committed to a life of simplicity and beer.
Southern Kingdom of Kepler (“South Kepler”) : one of four Mortal nations on mainland Kepler.
Southern Kingdom of Kepler Armed Guard Forces (the “Southern Guard”) : South Kepler’s military […] The Royal Guard of South Kepler is a special branch, selected by the reigning South Kepler monarch to guard the royal family.
Telekinesis : one of four known extrasensory abilities (“magic”) that evolved in humans on Kepler; people with telekinetic abilities can move objects with their minds.
Telesthesia : one of four known extrasensory abilities (“magic”) that evolved in humans on Kepler; people with telesthesia abilities have extrasensory perception skills, such as the ability to tell when someone else is lying.
Thermodynamics : one of four known extrasensory abilities (“magic”) that evolved in humans on Kepler; people with thermodynamic abilities either tend “hot” or “cold” and are able to alter the energy in objects around them to heat or cool those objects. Extremely powerful thermodynamic magicians can produce fire or ice.
Western Republic of Kepler : one of four Mortal nations on mainland Kepler; the Western Republic fell shortly after the arrival of the Immortality Ships in 492 AAH.